The Dreaded Two Week Wait

Anyone that has spent any length of time trying to conceive (TTC) knows that the dreaded two week wait (2WW) is the WORST!! Were we successful? Should I take a test? Is it too early? What will I do if it's negative? Do I test again? You can pretty much make yourself crazy with the waiting and wondering. So for the next two weeks or so I will be doing a lot more posting to distract myself during this psychological insanity. This Type A, OCD mama needs to keep busy! Lol I will be posting about all sorts of things in an attempt to keep my mind occupied. I have a haul, review, empties, etc on the beauty end. I will have parenting, pregnancy, family stuff, as well as recipes, DIY and home ideas. The randomness will be in full effect until test day. If anyone has any requests, comment below and I will try my best to do a post for you.