DIY Moisturizing Sugar Scrub

Does your dry winter skin need a boost? If so you need to try this easy DIY Moisturizing Sugar Scrub. It's time to slough off that dry flaky skin and polish it with nourishing olive oil. Here is what you will need: 2C Sugar 2/3C Olive Oil 8-10 drops Food Coloring or 1/8 tsp Mica Powder 1/2 tsp Fragrance Oil or 10-15 drops Essential Oil Yup, that's it! Just four simple ingredients. There are tons of possible sugar scrub variations but this is the basic recipe. Put sugar into metal or glass bowl. (Plastic or silicone bowls will hold fragrances.) break up any large clumps with a large mixing spoon. Small clumps will break up once oil is added. If you are using mica powder as your coloring add it to the dry sugar and mix thoroughly. If you are using liquid food coloring, add that with your oil and fragrance. Next add your olive oil, fragrance, and liquid food color. Then....MIX MIX MIX!! You will notice the small clumps start to break up. Any rema...